Apr 22, 2022
How to avoid car accidents

Car accidents can happen no matter how good of a driver or how experienced you are. Thankfully the majority of accidents can be avoided by driving within the speed limit, staying focused, and following the rules of the road. While safe driving practices may seem straightforward, many drivers ignore them or sometimes forget. Even though there are no guarantees, these tips can help you learn how to avoid car accidents from happening.

1. Keep Distractions to a Minimum 

There are many distractions when you drive, but it only takes a little planning to remove many of these. Turn your phone off before you head out on the road and put it in a place where you won’t be tempted to check it. You can also plan your route ahead of time, so you’re not searching your navigation system for directions, and take the time to get your music set.  

Passengers can also be distracting, so set rules for the kids, and if you have adult passengers, keep your eyes on the road while chatting with them. 

2. Keep Your Distance 

Rear-end collisions are common whether you hit someone in front of you or get hit by someone from behind. The best way to avoid this type of collision is to keep your distance from the vehicle in front of you. Stay far enough behind so you have time to stop, even if they suddenly slam on their brakes. A good rule of thumb is to stay three seconds behind in good driving conditions, but allow even longer if you have a heavy vehicle and extend the time even more if the roads are wet or slippery. 

3. Drive For the Weather 

Even if you are the only vehicle on the road, you need to adjust your driving habits to match the weather conditions. Whether it’s raining and the roads are wet, or it’s snowing, and they’re slippery, it’s important to slow down so you can maintain control of the vehicle. You should also know what to do if you find your car slipping on icy roads or if you hydroplane on a wet road.  

4. Don’t Speed Through Intersections 

Always use caution when driving through an intersection. Intersections are where many accidents take place because drivers don’t take the right precautions. Always look left, then right, and make sure to look left again before entering to make sure that the area is completely clear. Even if you have the green light, you should look to make sure no other driver is running through their red light. Distracted drivers might miss a stop sign, and many try to make it through on a yellow light. When you approach a yellow light, use caution instead of speeding up to get through the intersection. 

These are just a few standard tips you can follow to help avoid car accidents. If you pay attention to the road and pay attention to other drivers, you will limit your chances of getting into a crash. To make sure your car is in the safest condition, stop by Tadd Jenkins Chevrolet in Rigby, ID so our certified technicians can make sure that your car can keep you safe.